Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy


BCST Course Required Reading

Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics Vol. 1
by Franklyn Sills (UPDATED)
Summary of the Biodynamic approach; Volume One gives basic principles and theory; totally re-done in 2011

Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics Vol. 2
by Franklyn Sills (UPDATED)
Summary of the Biodynamic approach; Volume Two gives applications; totally re-done in 2013

Dancing with Yin and Yang
by John Chitty
This new approach to mental wellness shows how the universal principles of nature, known as Yin and Yang in the wisdom traditions, can be applied to psychology. General principles and specific applications are provided, including a fresh view of Fritz Perls' famous two-chair Gestalt method and a concise illustrated summary of Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory. 
Learn more about Dancing with Yin and Yang and purchase here.

Interface: Mechanisms of Spirit in Osteopathy
by Paul Lee, D.O.
Summarizes the esoteric origins of Osteopathy, including a biography of its founder, A. T. Still

In an Unspoken Voice
by Peter Levine
This is the basis for our approach to working with trauma and autonomic nervous system states.

Wisdom in the Body
by Michael Kern, DO.
Best first-read for the Biodynamic Concept

Atlas of Human Anatomy
by Frank H. Netter, MD
Artistic anatomy textbook used in our course lectures. (5th Edition)

Other Recommended Books about Craniosacral Therapy

**Scroll below for specifically Osteopathic titles

by Olaf Korpiun
New in 2011, explores a very promising hypothesis for a scientific explanation for primary respiration, plus gives innovative practical applications from the biomechancial approach.

Anatomy of Potency
by Nicholas Handoll, DO
Explores the question of what is causing the tiny movement of Primary Respiration; includes an easy-to-read introduction to quantum physics.

Craniosacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura
by John E. Upledger, DO
Excellent overview of Upledger's ideas, by the founder of CranioSacral Therapy who brought Sutherland’s concepts from their osteopathic origins into large-scale public awareness and acceptance.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: Volumes 1-4
by Michael J. Shea
Wide-ranging explorations about Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy; includes commentary about psychological implications.

Cranial Intelligence
by Ged Sumner and Steve Haines
A course manual for the New Zealand-based Body Intelligence training

The Heart of Listening : A Visionary Approach to Craniosacral Work, Vols. 1 & 2
by Hugh Milne, DO
Creates a foundation for Milne's approach, including practitioner skills of meditative awareness.

Stillness: Biodynamic Cranial Practice & the Evolution of Consciousness
by Charles Ridley
Observations and comments differentiating biodynamic from other craniosacral styles.

Cranial Manipulation: Theory and Practice
by Leon Chaitow, DO
A thorough biomechanical-style summary.


Primary Respiration Animations CD
by Charles Swenson
Beautiful animations of primary respiration in the cranium

3D Cranio: Craniosacral Movement in 3D
by Edward Muntinga
CD with dozens of computer animations of the movements of primary respiration in each bone of the head, spine and pelvis.