Babies Books

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy offers important applications for pre- and peri- natal therapies, including birth and post-birth care.


Working with Babies
by John Chitty
Brings together information from Autonomic Nervous System regulation, Polarity Therapy and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and applies it for therapists of all backgrounds who wish to work with new babies and their families.
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Becoming Attached: First Relationships and How They Shape Our Capacity to Love
by Robert Karen
Thorough review of maternal bonding including key factors, significance and therapeutic implications.

Immaculate Deception II: Myth, Magic & Birth
by Suzanne Arms
Thorough review of all the factors to consider in evaluating birthing options, clearly describing the risks associated with excessive intervention.

The Mind of Your Newborn Baby
by David Chamberlain
Excellent resource for understanding how babies are sentient and highly functional long before conventional medicine has generally accepted.

The Tibetan Art of Parenting: From Before Conception through Early Childhood
by Anne Hubbell Maiden
Applies Tibetan and Buddhist principles to pre-parenting and early childhood.

Pre-Parenting: Nurturing Your Child from Conception
by Thomas Verny & Pamela Weintraub
Excellent overview of prenatal factors and research findings.

The Secret Life of the Unborn Child: How You Can Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life
by Thomas Verny & John Kelly
Compelling research proving that prenates are sentient and responsive to the environment.

Womb, Karma and Transcendence
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Applies principles of Tibetan esoteric understanding to prenatal experience.

What Babies Want (DVD)
by Debby Takikawa
Outstanding achievement in gathering the voices of leading researchers and practitioners. Must-see for new moms and their medical support, supporting the importance of maternal bonding.

Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning From Birth to Adolescence
by Jane Healy
Summarizes research in the intelligence of infants, often underestimated in medical environments.

Delivery Self-Attachment (VHS)
by Lennart Richard
Brief video clips show that newborns can move themselves to the breast; contains a strong caution about anesthesia.