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Here is a list of our graduates who choose to be listed, by geographical area. All listings are listed in alphabetical order.

“BCST” signifies Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, “PP” signifies Polarity Practitioner, “PLC” signifies Polarity Life Coach

Names in bold type with a ** preceding have attained the “Advanced Biodynamic Diploma” in recognition of post-graduate education and experience.

Additional Directories of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Polarity Therapy practitioners may be found on the following web sites:

International Association of Biodynamic Trainings (IABT)
The Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA) 
American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA)
International Polarity Education Alliance (IPEA)