
All of our video content is also available on YouTube and Vimeo.




Working with Babies


Autonomic Nervous System Insights for Mother, Babies and the Birth Process


Diane Heller Interview with John Chitty

Diane Poole Heller interviews John Chitty about Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory and its implications for working with babies. Filmed as a part of Diane Poole Heller’s Attachment Mastery program.

For more information about Diane, visit

Dancing with Yin and Yang


How the Laws of Form Manifest in Relationships

Videos in this series:

Part 1: Understanding “Love” – This segment discusses the theoretical basis for the approach and outlines basic misconceptions about ‘love’ that lead to challenges in relationships.
Part 2: Creating Sustainable Relationships  This segment discusses the challenges of long-term relationships and suggests a new model to increase their stability and longevity.
Part 3: Children & Family Dynamics – John discusses the challenges that a couple experiences when a new child comes into the family, and how to maintain balance in the family dynamics.
Part 4: Additional Questions and Discussion – John answers student questions about coherence in relationships, overcoming childhood intimacy imprints and relationship dynamics in same sex relationships.
Part 5: Trauma and Relationships – In this segment, John addresses a question about about how Trauma affects the Three Principles Model of relationship.


Essential Themes

John speaks to some of the essential themes of the approach outlined his book, which are applicable for therapists of all modalities and backgrounds.

Psychotherapy Comments – Causation & De-pathologizing – John talks about two core themes from his book: de-pathologizing physical and psychological conditions and understanding the limitations of causality in a counseling approach. These two ideas are central to John’s new book and can be applied to any health practice.

Client Empowerment – John talks about the importance of client empowerment in a counseling practice and how it can be applied to any practice.

Cultural Yang Wounds – John talks about how historical events have created an epidemic of yang wounds in Western culture and how this wounding impacts social and gender dynamics for many people.


Attachment Mastery Webinar

John discusses the foundations and basic principles of his therapeutic approach as a guest lecturer for Diane Poole Heller’s Attachment Mastery program. John illustrates how the material from his recent book, Dancing with Yin and Yang, as well as Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory and how both can be applied in the context of psychotherapy and counseling.

In this series:
Part 1: Lineage and Basic Principles
Part 2: Stephen Porges and the Polyvagal Theory
Part 3: Applications for Psychotherapists

Polarity Therapy


Polarity Cosmology

Polarity Counseling:

Applying the Energy Principles to Psychology


Polarity Therapy Bodywork

Clip #1: Polarity Therapy Bodywork
John Chitty, RPP, BCST, gives an introduction to some of the basic themes, ideas and practices of Polarity Therapy Bodywork, a gentle energy therapy that is effective for a host of conditions.

Clip #2: A Polarity Therapy “General Session”
In this clip, John describes a Polarity Therapy “General Session.” Since the 1970’s, many practitioners and schools have come up with varying “general sessions” and protocols, often involving as many as 20 hand positions and usually focusing on the 5 elements. This “general session” is much simpler. It features only 5 hand positions and focuses on the 3 principles, which is the origin of the term “Polarity.”

Clip #3: Polarity Therapy Counseling
John provides a brief intro to Polarity Therapy Counseling, including a theoretical basis and initial applications. Polarity Therapy proposes that most health conditions have a mental/emotional dimension, in addition to their physical symptoms.

Clip #4: Sources of Polarity Therapy
John discusses the varying teachers and schools of thought that Dr. Randolph Stone studied, which are all salient parts of Polarity Therapy.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Clip #1: Practitioner Skills for Subtle Energy Therapies
John describes the 5 practitioner skills which are the basis of all modalities of Biodynamic Therapy.

Clip #2: Defining the Terms
John lays the groundwork for introductory study of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy by giving a basic definition of the terms and their origin, aim and scope.



Embryology of the Heart with Jaap van der Wal

Embryology of the Heart: Parts 1 & 2
Dutch Embryologist Jaap van der Wal Ph.D (part of a 3-day Embryology lecture at the Colorado School of Energy Studies in Boulder) discusses the appearance of the Heart in the 3rd week. On about the 17th day, the Heart forms at the cranial pole of what will become the fetus, at the end of the Primitive Streak. Using a phenomenological approach, van der Wal describes how the Heart can be interpreted as an organ of self-awareness, offering a new, profound understanding of the Heart’s deeper function and meaning.

Triune Autonomic Nervous System


Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory/Triune Autonomic Nervous System

Polyvagal Theory aka Triune Autonomic Nervous System: Parts 1, 2, and 3
Polyvagal Theory (gr. ‘polus’, “many” + ‘vagal’, “Vagus Nerve”) differentiates between two distinct branches of the Vagus Nerve (the 10th cranial nerve), and stimulates new interpretations about the evolution, anatomy and function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). In this series of videos, John explains Stephen Porges’ new theory and its importance for therapists. Read more…