The New Medicine

The New Medicine: Understanding Cancer and Other Biological Programs
Lars Peter Kronlob
Edition Esoterick, 2013.

Polarity Therapists may be familiar with the “New Medicine” work of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, born in 1935 in Germany. His unique ideas are quite compatible with the work of Randolph Stone, specifically in emphasizing how health conditions precipitate from subtle mental to gross physical manifestation. However Hamer’s message contains remarkable additional insight in providing detail about the exact nature of the mind-body connection. This book is a layman’s attempt to convey Hamer’s concepts in a simplified abbreviated format; often it takes this kind of second-generation interpretive perspective to make sense of an originator’s ideas.

As a brief biography, Hamer was an internist in a German cancer clinic, and also a survivor of testicular cancer subsequent to the shocking tragic accidental death of his son in 1978. From his own experience, plus his observations of his patients’ histories, he concluded that all cancer begins with some form of shock or conflict. Digging deeper, he discovered that all his patients had precise brain patterns in their CT scans. Hamer pursued his research in thousands of cases before attempting to publish his findings, and eventually studied about 40,000 cases. However his initial attempts to communicate his findings were met with severe resistance, leading to his losing his medical license and suffering ridicule at the hands of the cancer industry. For a sample of the institutional response, just read his Wikipedia* entry.

Author Lars Kronlob succinctly covers Hamer’s main points, in language that is easily accessible for non-medical readers. Brevity is the style throughout, with the whole story told in just 100 pages.

The essence is, disease begins with mental-emotional shocks and conflicts, and these move through two phases, inflammation (hyper- or sympathetic autonomic) and then resolution (hypo- or parasympathetic autonomic). The progression can take years to develop and unfold, so the links between the events and phases are usually not recognized. The key to recovery, for cancer and other conditions, is to find and resolve the conflicts, binds and trauma echoes. Hamer also emphasizes the importance of removing fear from the medical experience.

Kronlob applies this hypothesis to practical experience by going through the different categories of shock and trauma, and describing how the body attempts to solve conflicts with precise brain responses leading to exact physical accommodations. This section of the book is fascinating, as particular cancers are described as specific adaptations to stress. There are similarities to other systems, but unique aspects as well.

The New Medicine could easily be doubled in size with specific examples of how different kinds of conflict manifest. It would also be enhanced by much more complete descriptions of the categories. In addition the author needs an English-speaking collaborator and editor for the English-language version, not just for the numerous typographic errors but also to make the language more appropriate.

* Wikipedia is of course notorious for its anti-alternative health stance to the extent that my Polarity Therapy article has been permanently banned. Their supposedly erudite review board even used profanity in the evaluation discussion. For a laugh, search for “alternative cancer therapy” to find a hilarious compendium of unscientific gibberish and circular references posing as authoritative fact.

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